What is Beard Oil?

What is Beard Oil?

What is Beard Oil, its Benefits, and How to Use it? 

It's likely that you've seen beard oil in shops alongside other grooming products like shaving creams and aftershave. If you've never tried it before, you may not know the purpose of beard oil or how to use it.

It basically acts as a moisturizer that keeps your beard soft and the skin underneath hydrated. Many men find that beard oil can make it easier to manage their beards, particularly as they grow longer.

Let's discuss how to use the oil for your beard, its benefits, and what you must avoid when using it.


The Challenges of Beard Care

Beards have a few challenges. The skin underneath your beard has plenty to face. 

With many hairs packed in a small space, it's no wonder your facial hair may be rough and irritated. 

Additionally, facial hair is generally larger and coarser than the hair you have on the head, meaning it needs special care. If you don't care for your beard's needs, it can cause itching and hair that appears squishy. 

Additionally, the skin underneath may be flaky and dry. It's time to address these problems and nourish your beard with beard oil.


What Is Beard Oil?

Beard oil is a specially formulated product specifically designed for the care of beards. In its essence, beard oil is typically made up of two primary types of ingredients: carrier oils and essential oils. 

Beard oil is principally a leave-in conditioner that is lightweight, absorbable, and designed to nourish your beard and the skin. Beard balm is, on the contrary, more consistent because of the inclusion of beeswax and shea butter. 

Apply beard oil directly to your facial hair and the skin underneath it. 

This will allow the oil to bring moisture, lessen itching, and create an environment that promotes healthy beard growth. 

Beard oil accomplishes this by replicating the natural oil (known as sebum) produced by your skin, which helps keep your skin hydrated and your hair well-nourished.


What Is Beard Oil Usually Made from?

Beard oils are typically made from a mixture of carrier and essential oils. 

Beard oil typically consists of lightweight carrier oil with a pleasant scent, for example,

  • Sunflower seed oil,
  • Coconut oil,
  • Argan Oil
  • Jojoba

Therapeutic-grade carrier oil is frequently utilized instead of cooking oil.

Beard oil can also comprise essential oils. Some of them have antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects. Don't apply essential oils that do not dilute directly on your skin or beard.

Beard oil may contain one or more types of essential oils. Certain essential oils are perfect for acne-prone, oily skin, while others, like lavender, are better for normal or dry skin.

Our premium Tobacco Vanilla Beard Oil is astonishingly soft, with sweet and sensual notes.  This scent blends the aroma of vanilla warm with a touch of smokiness and fresh pipe tobacco.

The perfect combination of carrier oils softens the skin, hydrates, and maintains beards. It also reduces the itchy sensation, dandruff, and beard acne.


Benefits of Applying Beard Oil

The benefits of beard oil are numerous, and we will discuss a few here:

  • Gives Intense Nourishment and Hydration

    Beard oil in your skincare routine can nourish and hydrate the beard, making it more supple and easier to manage. 

    The benefits of oil-nourishing properties don't apply only to hair with beards; the skin underneath will be nourished and benefit from the oils used for beards. 

    This is crucial because as beards grow, they soak all the moisture off the skin's surface, making it dehydrated and dull. This is why the nourishing substances in beard oils assist in providing proper humidity. 

    Learning to avoid over cleaning your face and applying moisturizer every day will help men avoid dry skin and maintain hydration within the skin.

    • Promoting Healthy Beard Growth

      Beard oil is a way to keep your hair looking gorgeous and promotes healthy, fuller beard growth. By feeding the hair follicles with vital vitamins and antioxidants, beard oils will boost facial hair growth and help stop hair loss.

      • Removes Dandruff and Itching

        Insufficiently hydrated and nourished facial skin may cause the skin to become flaky and itchy.

         It can then stick to your beard, cause hair flakes, and damage your skin's health as dust and other foreign particles build up. 

        Applying beard oil is an excellent way to minimize skin irritation, promote hair growth and reduce dandruff. 

        Cleanse your face with facial wash, apply the facemask, and apply beard oil for excellent results.


        How to Apply Beard Oil

        Now that you know what beard oil is and its benefits for your beard, we will discuss how you can apply it.

        • Dispense

            The method is to apply oil to your hands after taking it from the container. A pipette is one of the most efficient and popular bottles in the marketplace today.

            • Apply to Hands

                Take beard oil from the pipette into your hands. Use less when applying beard oil for the first time; start with just 3 or 4 drops.

                Make sure you squeeze the rubber head on the pipette dropper until it releases the oil. All you need to make a small drop is a short and quick squeeze. If the head of the pipette is fully squeezed, many drops will be released.

                • Rub Hands Together

                    After pouring the required amount of oil into your hands—again, this depends on your beard and its length—give them a brief rub so that the oil spreads equally across their surface.

                    • Apply to Face

                        Rub your fingers to your face, ensuring every hair follicle is covered. If it is insufficient to even out your beard, apply another drop to your hands, massage, and then continue.

                        Are you forgetting something? 

                        Your mustache appears dry. Using your fingers and thumbs, apply the oil from the center towards the ends of your mustache.

                        • Comb and Tidy

                            Make sure you complete this step. The final step is applying the oil to your beard using a premium comb or brush.

                            Once you have rotated the comb to ensure the teeth point towards your beard, comb the mustache and your beard upward.

                            The comb's movement in this direction can help ensure the oil is evenly distributed throughout your beard. It assists the oil in penetrating the hairs of the beard and reaching the gorgeous skin.


                            When Should You Apply Oil to Your Beard?

                            It is the perfect time to use beard oils after washing your face or bathing in a hot tub once your face and hair are clean. Before applying the oil, dry your beard using a towel until it's dry but not damp.

                            There is no need to apply beard oil daily. You can use them every second day and adjust them according to your needs. You can apply them more frequently if you reside in a highly humid climate or have a longer beard.

                            If you feel your beard is greasy, reducing the frequency of oil application is possible.


                            How Often Should I Apply Beard Oil?

                            How often you apply beard oil varies based on your beard's length, hair, and skin type. The climate can also influence the frequency with which you use the oil. 

                            If you have a thicker beard, coarse beard hair, and dry skin and reside in a dry climate, beard oil more than once a day could moisturize your beard.


                            What Should You Avoid Doing When Applying Beard?

                            The frequency and amount of the application of beard oil is entirely up to you. However, you should stay clear of:

                            • You've put so much oil on that your beard is greasy
                            • Leaving the oil in clumps that are not combed
                            • Apply the oil directly onto your face
                            • Using oil when it's causing irritation or discomfort
                            • Applying oil even if the beard remains wet


                            Choosing the Best Beard Oil

                            When selecting the best beard oil, it's all about the ingredients

                            Choose oils with natural ingredients such as jojoba, argan, coconut, and almond oil. These oils are high in antioxidants and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate your skin and beard and promote healthy growth.

                            Also, you should consider your skin type. If you're prone to irritation, beard oils should not contain synthetic scents, as they may irritate. 

                            Choose instead beard oils made from natural oils like tea tree oil, which contains antibacterial properties.

                            Then, consider the smell. An accurate beard oil must make your beard feel nice and smell great. The scent, however, is an individual preference. Some like a woodsy smell, while others prefer citrus or unscented oils.

                            Selecting the perfect beard oil that is appropriate for your skin type, contains effective ingredients, and has an aroma you like is crucial. Dandies offers a range of premium oils for beards that meet all these criteria, making your search for the best beard oil much more accessible.


                            Final Words

                            What exactly is the purpose of beard oil? To make your beard look amazing. 

                            At the end of the day, grooming is an individual preference and choice. Beard oil isn't just concerned with the fragrance you select.  

                            It's about promoting strong, healthy skin, which will, in turn, benefit building a solid and healthy beard.  

                            Check out our complete collection of beard oils today, pair them with effective and the perfect brushes and combs, and completely transform your routine for maintaining your beard and see the outcome.



                            Should You Comb Beard Oil in?    

                            Comb your beard after bathing or washing it, preferably when damp but air-dried. This allows you to untangle and style your beard by dispersing the beard oil evenly.

                             Can I Apply Beard Oils After Shaving?

                            If you are shaving your beard, apply some oil after you shave and ease the burn from shaving. We suggest taking a warm shower before applying.

                            Do I Keep Beard Oil Overnight?

                            Most men apply beard oil twice daily: once before beginning their day and then in the evening before bed. Pro Tip: Take a hot shower before bed and use more oil on your beard and face than you usually do before waking up. 

                            Do Beard Oils Help to Make Hair Denser?

                            It's a product that will create the ideal conditions for your beard to develop and grow without problems. It's not a product to clean your beard, and it's not designed to style your beard (you'll require beard balm or beard butter to do styling).               


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